
Want to help keep the show great and make it even greater? Tell your friends to listen. Give us a 5-star rating on the Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to our fine entertainment program.

You can also visit our Patreon Page and just give us some money. We’ll give you something in return, and we’re working on making each of our Patron Tiers a bit more exciting.

You can also hit us up for a One Bourbon, One Chard, or One Beer Podcast sticker. Stickers are 3″ x 3″. If Kern or Stub sees you out and about and has a sticker handy, we may give you one. If you’d like to help us cover costs, send us a note in our contact form and we’ll mail you one for $3. That’s a buck an inch, which we’ve been told is a helluva deal.